Anak Ku

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan celaan, ia belajar memaki
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan permusuhan, ia belajar berkelahi
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan ketakutan, ia belajar gelisah
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan rasa iba, ia belajar menyesali diri
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan olok-olok, ia belajar rendah diri
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan iri hati, ia belajar kedengkian
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan dipermalukan, ia belajar merasa bersalah

Jika anak dibesarkan dengan dorongan, ia belajar percaya diri
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan toleransi, ia belajar menahan diri
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan pujian, ia belajar menghargai
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan penerimaan, ia belajar mencintai
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan dukungan, ia belajar menyenangi diri
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan pengakuan, ia belajar mengenali tujuan
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan rasa berbagi, ia belajar kedermawanan
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan kejujuran dan keterbukaan, ia belajar kebenaran dan keadilan
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan rasa aman, ia belajar menaruh kepercayaan
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan persahabatan, ia belajar menemukan cinta dalam kehidupan
Jika anak dibesarkan dengan ketentraman, ia belajar berdamai dengan pikiran

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Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

Luar biasanya Aga

Menjalani hari hari yang penuh suka duka ternyata membawa makna yang sangat besar buat kehidupan kami. Nggak terasa bentar lagi Aga akan ulang tahun yang ke tiga. Amat sangat luar biasa, nggak pernah terbayangkan kalau Aga bisa selincah dan sepintar sekarang. Buah hati kami yang sangat “special”. Kadang bisa senyum sendiri kalau teringat tingkah nya yang bikin gemes. Perkembangannya, hmmmm banyak kemajuan.
Makan sendiri, sudah semakin lancar, tapi blum bisa makan nasi pakai tangan. Bisanya pakai sendok. Klo makan kue atau jajanan lain sih pake tangan udah lancar… car.. car….
Minum sendiri, sudah oke, nggak pake tumpah, udah kayak orang besar minum.
Pegang benda dengan jempol dan telunjuk, sudah makin lancar juga. Klo ini salut ama suamiku, telaten banget ngajarin Aga sambil main main, dibeliin kacang atau makanan yg bentuknya kecil trus diajarin makannya musti pegang pake jempol ama telunjuk. Paling suka klo diajak nulis nulis atau menggambar…. Walopun yg digambar Aga nggak jelas bentuknya, dia paling senang pegang pinsil. Sampe dia hapal lo dimana tempat nyimpan pinsil dan bukunya.
Lari… masi perlu diajak lebih sering lari lari.
Melompat…. Masi perlu latihan, masi blom bisa.
Melangkahi benda benda…. Udah makin lancar, masi perlu dilatih lagi.
Pakai sepatu sendiri…. Masi dalam proses, mudah mudahan makin lancar. Klo buka sepatunya dah mulai bisa,
Pakai baju sendiri…. Blom bisa, masi diajarin juga….
Pakai celana sendiri…. Blom bisa juga, Cuma klo pas dipakaikan celana Aga dah tau angkat kakinya.
Keseimbangannya masi kurang, tempo hari kami ajak jalan di atas papan blom lancar jalan dari ujung ke ujung.
Naik sepeda roda empatnya udah lancar sekaleee… paling suka ngebut…. Kadang klo dah malam bisa berantem nyuruh Aga bobok, maunya main sepeda terus.
Ngomongnya yang Aga masih sangat kurang lancar. Masi bahasa planet. Yang paling jelas itu dia bilang mamak, bapak, teh , ak (maksudnya makan), klo yang lainnya masi sepenggal sepenggal ngomongnya. Berhubung Aga udah kami masukkan play group, terapi bicaranya Cuma bisa tiap sabtu aja, mungkin kurang sering ya jadi ngomongnya masi nggak lancar.
Yang dibilang ama bu dokter memang betul, ngajarin Aga musti sambil bermain, jadi dia lebih semangat dan gembira, nggak merasa dipaksa.
Hobinya Aga baca buku yang gambarnya besar besar dan gambarnya itu musti gambar mobil, truk, bus, sepeda, sepeda motor, anjing, ikan. Klo gambarnya yang lain, Aga kurang tertarik, sebentar aja bukunya dah ditinggal.

Paling hobi juga main bola. Ntar klo pulang kerja dia dah tau tuh ngajakin mama nya main bola, dia langsung ambil bolanya trus narik tangannku buat nemanin dia. Kadang cape juga pulang kerja pengen istirahat, tapi ngeliat muka nya yang sangat gembira klo pas main bola jadi hilang capek ku.
Hobi barunya sekarang ini nyanyi sambil joget ato mukul meja pura puranya itu gendang. Nggak tau dia itu nyanyi lagu apa, yang jelas senang aja ngeliatnya. Padahal Aga tuh Cuma bilang u ..u..u…. bapak… a..a…a… bapakkk… uu..u..u….
Klo dimarahin dia juga dah pinter ngebujuk. Ntar nanti klo aku dah diem aja sambil ngeliatin, dia dah tau klo dia bikin salah, trus dia dekatin aku sambil senyum, pegangin tangan ku trus dia panggil, mamak… mamak….. klo masi di diamin juga dipeluknya tuh, klo aku pas lagi duduk ya udah de, Aga langsung duduk juga dipangkuanku sambil meluk trus nepuk nepuk bahuku. Luluh de gak jadi marah, Cuma aku bilangin aja salahnya Aga itu dimana dan yang baik itu gimana. AKu usahakan sekali ngga pake kata “jangan”. Untungnya sekarang Aga makin ngerti kalau dikasi tau dan nggak merajuk seperti dulu.
O ya... Aga juga sekarang suka usil. Nanti dia taruh telunjuk nya di mulut, pura puranya bilang ssstttt... trus dia tunjuk bapaknya sambil jarinya di gerak gerakin kayak mo gelitikin gitu. Trus dia ajak aku ngagetin bapaknya sambil gelitikin....
Ato klo gak dia pura pura bisik bisik sama ku, trus nunjuk bapaknya trus ketawa sambil nutup mulutnya.... Ada aja de tingkahnya yang bikin ketawa. Senang sekali melihat perkembangannya yang makin hari makin maju.
Kadang kasian juga si klo aku pulang kerja dah kecapean dan ngga terlalu aktif main main ama Aga, pasti de dia mulai merengek. Maunya main main terus, ketawa ketawa, lari lari, pura pura kejar kejaran, main bola, main motor motoran, main sembunyi.... duh... pokoke batere nya Aga itu nggak pernah low .... on terus...... :)
Lebih baik juga kan daripada dia diem aja.

Senin, 23 Februari 2009

Glenn Doman eNewsletter- Volume 8

In This Issue
Watch Our Brand New Videos on YouTube!
Social Growth Begins at Home
The Institutes Staff in Kobe and Tuscany

What To Do About Your Brain-InjuredChild Course

Pisa, ItalyJanuary 26-30, 2009Kobe, JapanJanuary 26-30, 2009Guatemala CityFebruary 8-13, 2009Philadelphia, USAApril 20-24, 2009Aguascalientes, MexicoMay 24 - 29, 2009Learn moreFill out an applicationParents Comments
For more info, contact:Harriet
For the Guatemala or Mexico course, contact: Elisa

How To Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence Course
SingaporeMarch 29-April 3, 2009Philadelphia, USAMarch 22-28, 2009Fauglia, ItalyApril 19-24, 2009Philadelphia, USAMay 31-June 6, 2009
Click here to learn moreFill out an applicationRequest Information

For more info, contact:Gwenne Sulby

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Glenn Doman's Introduction of The InstitutesNightline Features The Institutes

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"It is so wonderful. It is like entering into an amazing planet full of professional mothers. I lost myself there. It is the best."
- Christina, mom from New York

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Dairy Products are Harmful toYour Child
Babies Love to Swim

Nature Fun with Ornithology

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Contact:Spencer Doman
Managing Editor
8801 Stenton Avenue
Wyndmoor, PA
The Gentle Revolutionary
January 2008 Volume 8

"What every tiny child wants more than anything else is one adult, all to himself, who will pay attention to him. First choice: Mommy, second choice: Daddy." -Glenn Doman

Watch New Videos On The Institutes YouTube SiteEnjoy these informative videos
Five brand new videos have been added to The Institutes YouTube page. The Institutes YouTube page currently features over 15 videos, which have been viewed over 30,000 times in countries all over the world. Our videos include footage of Glenn Doman and Janet Doman teaching parents, television interviews of our staff, and success stories of some of our brain injured children. Even if you have visited our page before, make sure to check out these new videos!
January's Featured Video
Glenn Doman explains why teaching your baby to read is a vitally important and thrilling process that every parent deserves to experience.Click here to watch this video!Other informative videos to enjoy and learn from:Comcast Newsmakers interview with Janet Doman on how parents can help their brain-injured children. Click here to watch this video!A 4-year-old reads the Constitution of the United States.Click here to watch this video!

Social Growth Begins at HomeDo children really need other children
to become socially excellent?
One of the great modern myths is that children need other children to become "socialized." The exact opposite is true. The notion that little children learn how to be civilized from being with each other has little to recommend it. What can a three-year-old teach another three-year-old? Answer: How to behave like a three-year-old. When we place tiny children together, the result is chaos. If one child is a biter, then other children get bitten and learn that biting may be useful in self-defense. Generally, this is not the kind of social idea that mothers want their children to have. Sometimes mothers are convinced to put their child with other children in what are called "play groups" or "kindergarten" because mother wants her child to learn to share. Mother believes that this cannot be learned at home from her. Sharing is an admirable and worthwhile objective. But two and three-year-olds are not ready to share anything. Instead, they defend their belongings against any and all comers. The "play group" only stays civilized if each mother stands right next to her child and protects that child from all the other children in the group. "Sharing" occurs only when mother pries the beloved toy truck out of her child's grasp and hands it to another child, who then gets a death grip on the truck until his mother says that he has "shared" the truck for long enough and it is pried out of his grasp to be returned to its little, very anxious owner. If the above scene takes place without a mother with each child, then the result is much worse. Without mother at his side, the child will simply fight to keep his toy or be overpowered by a bigger, more aggressive child. He either learns to fight or to flee. Is this socialization?

Civilized behavior begins at home.
When little children are herded together like so many little lambs with only a few shepherds to protect them, we are foolish to expect "socialization" to be the result. Little children do not need other little children to become socialized - they need mother and father. Civilized behavior is learned at home from mother and father. Children learn right from wrong from mother and father and grandmother and grandfather, or they do not learn it at all. The longer a small child spends with his mother each day, the more civilized he will be. The less time he spends with mother each day, the less civilized he will be. All mothers know that. Take This ChallengeArrange for your child to spend more time with you every day and less time with other little children. Be consistent, fair, and honest in all your interactions with your child. In a few months you will have a more mature, kind, and helpful child, but, even better, you will be spending precious time with a wonderful companion who will love and support you for the rest of your life. For More Information on Social GrowthThe Pathway to Wellness: Social Growth-available in English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, and French.

The Institutes Staff in Kobe and Tuscany To Teach Parents of Children Who Need Help
WTD courses in Japan and Europe this month

The Institutes will be sending two teams of staff to teach parents in the Far East and in Europe during January 2009. In Japan, the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Course will be presented from January 26-30 in Kobe. The team delivering this course will be led by the Director of The Institutes, Janet Doman, and will include the Director of Intellectual Excellence, Susan Aisen; the Vice Director, Miki Nakayachi; and senior staff member Yoshiko Kumagai. Also on the team is the Associate Director of Physical Excellence, Leia Coehlo Riley; the Vice Director, Rumiko Ion Doman; and senior staff member for Physiological Excellence, Yukie Kamino. Parents wishing to attend this course should immediately contact:Futami Kitagawa in Kobe:Tel: 81-78-251-3240E-mail: OR OR Mitsue Noguchi in Tokyo:Tel: 81-3-3797-5950E-mail: In Italy, the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Course will be presented in Tirrenia from January ­­­26-30. The team delivering this course will be led by the Vice Director of The Institutes, Douglas Doman, and will include the Director of Physical Excellence, Rosalind Doman; senior staff member of Physical Excellence, Rogelio Marty; the Vice Director of Intellectual Excellence, Teruki Uemura; senior staff member Olivia Pelligra; and staff member Spencer Doman. Also on the team is the Director of Physiological Excellence, Ann Ball; Vice Director, Dr. Ernesto Vasquez; and medical staff members Dr. Diana Martinez and Dr. Leon Morales. Parents wishing to attend this course should immediately contact: Alessandra Bettini in Fauglia:Tel. (39)-050-650237Email: OR OR Harriet Pinsker in Philadelphia:Tel: (215) 233-2050Toll free: 1-800-736-4663Email: